RISD Clothes Closet Volunteers
Hi WILDCATS, The RISD Clothes Closet needs our help!  

The RISD Council of PTAs Clothes Closet provides clothing for
RISD students in need so they can feel comfortable, confident
and ready to learn!  Students are referred to the Clothes
Closet by their school counselor or nurse, and receive a full
wardrobe of clothes. The Clothes Closet accepts donations of
clothing, sizes 3T to adult XXL, that is cute, current and free of
holes, stains or much wear and tear.  The Clothes Closet also
accepts well-loved clothing and textiles, but that should be
placed in a separate bag and boldly labeled "World Wear".  

Each school in RISD is asked to help at the RISD Clothes
Closet to keep it running.  Volunteer shifts listed below for
LHJH & LHHS parents are available for Sorting & Restocking
(MONDAYS), or as a Shopper or Delivery Person (TUESDAYS).
 Please sign up for a shift below.

Questions?  Feel free to reach out to Joy McElroy at joy.mcelroy@yahoo.com